Scalable Cardiomyogenesis from PSCs
May 26, 2016
Research Spotlight
Rungarunlert S, Ferreira JN, Dinnyes A- April 2016
Pluripotent stem cells are an exciting tool to generate a variety of cell types for therapuetic applications. There is an immenent and widespread need for cell therapies which target heart failure, specifically those producing cardiomyocytes from stem cell populations. A bioreactor based technology, which can produce PSC-derived embyroid bodies, that can later differentiate into cardiomyocytes at a large scale is needed, since cardiomyocytes in vivo have limited proliferative and self-healing capacity. In this recent study, Synthecon's RCCS showed a scalable and consistent method of producing embryoid bodies from pluripotent stem cells, and further cardiomyogenic differentiation.